Crazy Calendar

Hello welcome to my blog. When December starts we will start up our kindness calendar. We put down kind things on a calendar and when the day comes we will do those things. for example you write down “say good morning to everyone” on day 7 so when day 7 is here you will do that thing. We end on Christmas just like the chocolate calendars leading up to Christmas. You can see my calendar below to see what kindness acts I will do.

Have you ever made your own calendar?

Happy Holes pt 2

Hello welcome to my blog. We are all most done with holes and soon we will watch the movie from where we left of a new person has come to camp green lake for stealing cars and zero, Stanley’s friend ran away from the camp and people are saying he’s dead one day Mr sir come to give them water in the truck. the boy who steals car got an idea and got Stanley to steal the car and drive off and they did it successfully but Stanley crashed and started running he was walking when he found a boat. Under the boat was zero and he was drinking sploosh a strange purple juice they ran out and had to start moving they made it to a mountain and started climbing but they didn’t have water and have no energy they fell over into mud then they remembered you need water to make mud and they found some water. thank you for reading see you next time.

have you watched holes?

Mythical Math

Hello welcome to my blog in this blog I will be talking about my math yesterday. For maths we are learning about time we had to make predictions with how fast we could to certain things and then we actually did them. First we did sit ups Oscar was the one to do them he predicted he would do 30 sit ups in 5 minutes but he did 51! next it was my turn to do push ups and I did 183 push ups in 5 minutes. I hope you like my blog and have a good day.

How much push ups can you do?

Happy Holes

These past weeks we have been reading the novel holes. When we finish reading the book we will watch the movie. So far we are on chapter 36. The main charter is called Stanley Yelnats which is just his name but reversed, one day when walking home after getting bullied a pair of shoe fall on him from the sky. It turns out they belonged to a famous baseball player that were stolen a police officer came by and immediately arrest him. He gets an option if he wants to go to jail or sent to camp green lake. He chooses the camp because hes never been to camp but this was the biggest mistake ever. He arrives and its not green at all nor is there no lake its a dry dessert. They have to dig holes 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide everyday will he escape? Heres one of my creates I made a poster about one of the reptilias that are there.

have you ever read holes?

Amazing Athletics

Hello welcome back to my blog. On Tuesday the people who placed in athletics went to zones. But first on athletics day  I qualified in 60 meters sprints by getting 2nd place, 100 meters by get 1st place and high jump by getting 3rd place. Athletics day was really fun but I had to leave at 1;30 pm to go to my future high school to do uniform fitting. When it came to athletics zones I only wanted to do 100 meter sprints but I also did the relay. Our relay team had Patrick, Sean, Caleb and I. I did not place in the 100 meters sprints but lucky we did for the relay and soon we will go to Canterbury. Thank you for reading and see you next time.

Do you like Athletics day?

Outstanding Olympics

This week we have been learning about both modern Olympics and the ancient Olympics. Our create task was to write a paragraph of what it would have of been like as some there. You could choose to be maybe a spectator or a sales man or even one of the Athletes I choose to be a spectator you can see my writing down below.

Do you know anything about the ancient Olympics?


Nature Poem

Today we got to choose any kind of poem. Our goal was to make a nature poem I choose to do a acrostic poem I had a lot of fun doing this because we haven’t done poems in a long, long time. For my poem I wrote nature and then for every letter I would have a sentence for example. For N I did Nice animals running around. if you want to see my poem look below

Do you like poems?

Sandy Sand Dunes

Hello guys welcome back to my blog this week we have been learning about the environment. I have learnt a lot about the environment and I want to tell you what we learnt while we were at Sumner beach. First we looked at the sand dunes and then we learnt about what they do. We then build our own sand dunes ours was definitely the biggest.

We learnt what plants and animals live on or near the sand dune or even what the sand dune do to help certain animals. We then went back do our sand dunes and had 5 more minutes to build more and then we went and learnt what sand dunes do to help protect the city. We learnt that people were annoyed with the sand dune because they were blocking their view of the sun rise. They got the council to remove some just as a test and sand was blowing up on to the roads and on peoples car but they were fine with it. Until one day so much sand  built up in some ones roof it came tumbling down which made them want to build the sand dunes back and keep them.

We had lunch and played WW2 after that we came back to learn more about people ruining the sand dunes. We were told that a rugby team came and ran up the sand dunes which made the sand dunes come down a little bit so we went to our sand dunes and used our fingers as a representation of what it was like when the rugby team ran up the sand dunes. After that we added to our sand dunes we added stuff like nets to keep out dogs and wooden paths for people to walk on instead of walking on the sand dunes thank you for reading and have a good day.

Have you ever seen sand dunes?

Praising Pentecost

For Pentecost we have been learning about all of the symbols for the Holy Spirit. We did some art and even wrote what happens during Pentecost. For my art I used three of the symbols for Pentecost. A dove flying over fire with wind all around it. You can see my work below thank you and see you next time.

Have your learnt about Pentecost and what do you know?

Magic Maths

Hello in this blog I will be telling you about my Maths. In Maths we have been doing fractions we have been multiplying them and adding them. I am finding it a bit hard so if some one in the comments could help I would like that. But I did really well on this task and I am really proud of myself. You can see my work in the image below. Do you like maths?