Year: 2022

One minute challenge

Yesterday we did the one minute challenge I made 14 layups and 7 mid rage I could have gotten more mid rage because I was doing mid rage shots from further away I was close to the three with 14 layups I could of got more at the end because I was trying to hard and I missed them I should of taken another chance at getting more.

Have you done the one minute challenge?.

Athletics day

On Tuesday we went to athletics I’m a year 6 boy that means we did sprints first, first we did 60 meters and I came first then the 60 meter finals I came second but I got a bad start. It was a photo finish, then we did 80 meters and I came first. In the finals I came second and it was a photo finish too.

Then we did shot put and 4 of my friends made it in to zones. On my second attempt I threw it because it rolled of my fingers so then we did high jump and that is my favourite I came second and the height limit for me was 110 meters and I am 141 centimetres tall.

We did discus and I came 4th but I didn’t get to have a second turn because we ran out of time and I could have won. The last one we did was long jump and I came 4th in that but I messed up both of my attempts.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and see you again next time.

How did you do in Athletics?


In maths this term we have been learning about shapes sides and angles. a polygon has straight sides its 2d and has more that three side I like doing Shapes because it is way easier that decimals. shapes are really fun to learn about and sometimes they can be hard, a decagon is a shape with ten sides and really hard to draw. I hope you like my blog.

Have you seen a decagon?


Last Friday our school aka people who signed up for the Duathlon went down Walter Park the Duathlon is when you run 2k then you bike 5k then you run 1k but I was in a team that means you run 2k then your buddy bikes 5k I was running I was just be hide8 first place for running the my buddy Archie also came second for biking so we came second out of the whole thing but first for our hub so I think we did really good thank you for reading.


Have you ever done a Duathlon?.

Winter sport day!

Every Thursday we go to Winter sport at Hagley Park to play rugby. This Thursday we played against Thorington School. In the first half we were losing 2-4. The first try we got was when I stole the ball and passed it to Caleb. he dived for it then then the second half Joe Joe started to ball hog but got us 3 trys so now the score was 4-4 then in the last 10 seconds Joe Joe pasted it to Eton the he got a try so we won.

Do you like rugby?

CSO Visit

Hello my name is Christian, on Wednesday we went to our hall for the CSO visit – that is short for Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.


The instrument that I liked the most was was the trombone because it was really loud! It sounded really nice when they played the Star Wars theme song. It also could also go super super low.


The thing that surprised me the most was how big the harp really was. It was one of the biggest instruments I have ever seen and it plays music too which is really cool.


Something that I found interesting was how small the violin was. It was really small and it played really good music because it could play really high notes and the lowest it could go still sounded high.


Do you like music?

swimming part 2

We have just finished two weeks of swimming lessons at QEII.

In my last blog post I wanted to use this week to improve on floating on my back.  I have been successful because
I practised and tried to learn new things.

This week, we did a lot of water safety skills. Something that I have learnt is if your boat is sinking get on the side of the boat and hold my nose and my life jacket. This is important because you will be safe and won’t sink.

The thing that I enjoyed the most this week was swimming in my Pajamas because it was challenging. Helping my buddy was fun because they are so nice to me.

Something that I want to learn next time I have swimming lessons at school is to try not to keep splashing because I think it is really annoying for the other people swimming with me.

Do you like swimming?

Swimming Trip

This term, we have swimming for the first two weeks of school. We are having our lessons at QEII.

In previous years when we had swimming lessons at school I enjoyed those less because now I with my best friend and I get to help buddy witch is a younger Kid his name is Cooper he is probably the most wonderful kid I have ever met hes not annoying like my My best friend not to brag but I am probably the best swimmer in my group I sometimes get go in the big pool I think they are moving me up to the big pool.

Something that I have enjoyed this week is spending more time with my friend an getting to talk to my buddy he is very kind and a good talker  I also like going In to the water  because I just Love to go swimming It is very refreshing I also like what they are teaching me do you like swimming?

Something that I have found hard this week is that we don’t get to do writing and only 20 minutes of reading the whole day is just maths also it takes so long for my buddy to get ready I be done like 10 minutes.

Something that I want to improve on next week is going to the big pool.

Climate change trip

On Tuesday 24 May, I went on a trip with my class to town to learn about climate change.

My favourite part of the trip was we got to take the group photo because I love being in photos because I know that I will be on the internet, well the hub site. I also liked feeling the cotton candy wall stuff  in the edible garden because it reminds me of the time I had cotton candy at my cousins house.

Something that I found interesting was that meat is bad to eat but cows fart and burp Its helping the green house affect I also think the bit where we could eat the plants was cool because that means free food.  I ate a mint leaf and an orange flower. I did not really like the plants though they were gross. I really wanted to try the berries but our group could not as they were not ripe.

Something that shocked me was that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than animals and that the most used transport is a car that needs petrol. This is sad because those fuels are helping the Greenhouse Effect and warming our atmosphere.

Something that I am now going to do to be more sustainable is to make sure if I see any litter on the ground I will pick it up in put it in a bin because that plastic can kill many different sea animals.

Have you ever tried edible flowers?


about sloths

  1. With out sloths there would be no avocados.
  2. Sloths are tree times stronger than an average humans.
  3. They poo a third of their body in one go.
  4. Sloths are blind.
  5. They are faster in water than on land.
  6. It takes sloths 30 days for them to digest a leaf.
  7. They can starve to death on a full stomach.
  8. Sloths could fall 100 ft with out getting hurt.
  9. They could cure caner.
  10. No one knows how long the live for.