Month: October 2022

Athletics day

On Tuesday we went to athletics I’m a year 6 boy that means we did sprints first, first we did 60 meters and I came first then the 60 meter finals I came second but I got a bad start. It was a photo finish, then we did 80 meters and I came first. In the finals I came second and it was a photo finish too.

Then we did shot put and 4 of my friends made it in to zones. On my second attempt I threw it because it rolled of my fingers so then we did high jump and that is my favourite I came second and the height limit for me was 110 meters and I am 141 centimetres tall.

We did discus and I came 4th but I didn’t get to have a second turn because we ran out of time and I could have won. The last one we did was long jump and I came 4th in that but I messed up both of my attempts.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and see you again next time.

How did you do in Athletics?