Category: Hanga | Create

Nature Poem

Today we got to choose any kind of poem. Our goal was to make a nature poem I choose to do a acrostic poem I had a lot of fun doing this because we haven’t done poems in a long, long time. For my poem I wrote nature and then for every letter I would have a sentence for example. For N I did Nice animals running around. if you want to see my poem look below

Do you like poems?

Sandy Sand Dunes

Hello guys welcome back to my blog this week we have been learning about the environment. I have learnt a lot about the environment and I want to tell you what we learnt while we were at Sumner beach. First we looked at the sand dunes and then we learnt about what they do. We then build our own sand dunes ours was definitely the biggest.

We learnt what plants and animals live on or near the sand dune or even what the sand dune do to help certain animals. We then went back do our sand dunes and had 5 more minutes to build more and then we went and learnt what sand dunes do to help protect the city. We learnt that people were annoyed with the sand dune because they were blocking their view of the sun rise. They got the council to remove some just as a test and sand was blowing up on to the roads and on peoples car but they were fine with it. Until one day so much sand  built up in some ones roof it came tumbling down which made them want to build the sand dunes back and keep them.

We had lunch and played WW2 after that we came back to learn more about people ruining the sand dunes. We were told that a rugby team came and ran up the sand dunes which made the sand dunes come down a little bit so we went to our sand dunes and used our fingers as a representation of what it was like when the rugby team ran up the sand dunes. After that we added to our sand dunes we added stuff like nets to keep out dogs and wooden paths for people to walk on instead of walking on the sand dunes thank you for reading and have a good day.

Have you ever seen sand dunes?

Praising Pentecost

For Pentecost we have been learning about all of the symbols for the Holy Spirit. We did some art and even wrote what happens during Pentecost. For my art I used three of the symbols for Pentecost. A dove flying over fire with wind all around it. You can see my work below thank you and see you next time.

Have your learnt about Pentecost and what do you know?

Magic Maths

Hello in this blog I will be telling you about my Maths. In Maths we have been doing fractions we have been multiplying them and adding them. I am finding it a bit hard so if some one in the comments could help I would like that. But I did really well on this task and I am really proud of myself. You can see my work in the image below. Do you like maths?

Treaty of Waitangi

This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi because last week was Waitangi day. We had 9 activities to do and I will be showing you 3 of my activities. The three tasks that I will be showing are questions about the Treaty.

The first one was about He Whakaputunga and He Whakaputunga came before the treaty

The second one was about before the treaty and this was before they writ the treaty

The third one was about writing the treaty this was when they were with the English writing the treaty

Have you learnt about the treaty?

Premium PBL

This week in PBL we have been learning about the earth’s system.  For our create we had to make an island or a planet that is suitable for humans and wild life. For our create we could choose between a paper mache a minecraft world or a map I choose to make a map for my island. On my island I have a village a lake a river, mountains, farms and a wind mill we also made a blurb to go with my map. look below to see my work.

Have you ever made an island before?

Scary Skyscraper

This week in reading we have been reading about tall towers and structures.

The two structures I read about was the KVLY-TV mast and the burj khalifa we learnt in the text how big and how much it weighted.

Two facts I learnt were the TV mast is three times bigger than the PwC tower in Auckland and the burj khalifa cost 1.55 billion to make.

For my create task we had to make are own tower and we also had a planning dock that goes with it if you look down below you will be able to see my work.

Whats your favourite building in the world?

Wowing Wood

This week for reading we have been reading about natural resources  I learnt that wood is the 14th most needed natural resource in the world.  My learning goal was to make a poster about a natural resource I chose wood/timber.

I learnt about wood. one fact I learnt was it would take 30 years for a tree to fully grow to its max height. I chose to learn about wood because my dad works in wood and timber management so I know lots about wood and timber from my dad so i did wood because I already knew lots about it.

Have you learnt about  natural resources?

Crazy Math

This term we are going to be doing algebra and patterns. Last week we were learning about patterns. Our create was to make a pattern that grows. You have to have a rule or chart to explain how much it grows. If you look below you can see my work and working out. I had a chart to show how much it grows by and how much you add on each time. I added three then six then nine.

Have you done algebra and what are you learning?


How can we be Champions of Peace

How can we be Champions of Peace

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions on Peace’. 


Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are the CND and the dove. 


These symbols represent peace because it stands for symbol CND stands for campaign for nuclear disarmament.


With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because it show no matter what country you are in we can all spread peace with only one word. peace.

We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about martin luther the king Jr I thought this person was a champion of peace because they stopped racism and fixed a lot of people’s minds by telling everyone that black people are the same.



We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 


I enjoyed learning about peace because it was fun to learn what people did and how they did it.


I learnt there is peace everywhere and you can show it in anyway i learnt i can show peace to make me feel better because when i help people it makes me feel good.


One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by helping people and making sure everyone is equal.

Have you learnt about a champion of peace.